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Feb 26th 2020
#WEWS is showing you how @OurStreetsApp is helping @VisionZeroCLE, @ohiocitytweets, @Bike_CLE, and @CLEforTransit make #Cleveland #ABetterLand.

Follow this #thread for a Reporter's Notebook on what we witnessed in just 15 minutes in downtown #Cle.…

@OurStreetsApp @VisionZeroCLE @ohiocitytweets @Bike_CLE @CLEforTransit 12:43 pm – We walk up to the @GCRTA station on Euclid near #PublicSquare where two cars were parked in traffic. While the cars were there (we think they were getting food from the restaurant nearby) no traffic could pass while the bus loaded/unloaded passengers. #WEWS (2/x)
@OurStreetsApp @VisionZeroCLE @ohiocitytweets @Bike_CLE @CLEforTransit @GCRTA 12:44 pm – 1 car pulls away but the other one is still blocking traffic. In 15 minutes, there were rarely a few moments when there weren’t cars parked here with drivers appear to leave to get food. The cut out was filled with the same cars/construction trucks. #WEWS (3/x)
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