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Dec 24th 2022
CLL - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia.

Depleted Lymphocyte B & T cells from persistent SARS-CoV viral infection of renal epithelium cells will no doubt lead to acquire all kinds of immunity dysfunction and will appear as CLL.

#AirborneAIDS #AirborneCLL
Patients are being tested for digestive disorders and diagnosed with CLL months after a SARS infection that nobody is testing for or tracking - because attempting to detect the viral persistence is invasive procedure.
What I really like about this study from just before the pandemic is use the term “repeated insults”!

Are they discussing lymphopenia draining naïve t-cells during graft procedure? YES! Guess what persistent renal infection would look like! Donated liver!…
Read 10 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
My favorite part of the 30 hours I waste every two years on CLE is finding and taking the class that discusses the cases I’ve won in the last eleven years. Today’s air flight presents that occasion to listen to a downloaded lecture.
And, score, the lecturer remembered to put the words “Ethical Duties” in the title, so I get professional responsibility credit.

Wonder if he’ll mention that no class counsel has ever faced disciplinary consequences for unquestionably unethical Rule 23(e) behavior.
Wow, courts must find class settlements to be fair, reasonable, and adequate. #CLE #education
Read 11 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
Thanks @malonespeaking for having @uspirg on your show today to talk about #NewYearResolutions.
No. 1: Check your credit report free through or 877-322-8228. Errors can cost you money, a new job or home rental. @edmpirg (THREAD)…
@malonespeaking @uspirg @edmpirg You can get your credit report from each of the 3 bureaus once a week at no charge through April. Then it's once a year, unless the law is finally changed. You must go through or official phone number to get reports free. @edmpirg @MikeLittUSA
@malonespeaking @uspirg @edmpirg @MikeLittUSA No. 2: If you have a debit card or use PayPal, Venmo or another payment app tied to a bank account, get a secondary checking account. Don't expose your primary checking account to fraud or mistakes that will happen. Tons of banks offer no fee/no strings checking. @edmpirg
Read 11 tweets
Feb 26th 2020
#WEWS is showing you how @OurStreetsApp is helping @VisionZeroCLE, @ohiocitytweets, @Bike_CLE, and @CLEforTransit make #Cleveland #ABetterLand.

Follow this #thread for a Reporter's Notebook on what we witnessed in just 15 minutes in downtown #Cle.…

@OurStreetsApp @VisionZeroCLE @ohiocitytweets @Bike_CLE @CLEforTransit 12:43 pm – We walk up to the @GCRTA station on Euclid near #PublicSquare where two cars were parked in traffic. While the cars were there (we think they were getting food from the restaurant nearby) no traffic could pass while the bus loaded/unloaded passengers. #WEWS (2/x)
@OurStreetsApp @VisionZeroCLE @ohiocitytweets @Bike_CLE @CLEforTransit @GCRTA 12:44 pm – 1 car pulls away but the other one is still blocking traffic. In 15 minutes, there were rarely a few moments when there weren’t cars parked here with drivers appear to leave to get food. The cut out was filled with the same cars/construction trucks. #WEWS (3/x)
Read 10 tweets
Nov 14th 2019
Join us live at or follow along here as ideastream and @TheCityClub as @rickj903 talks with Dee Haslam and Jim Rooney about about diversity & inclusion in the @NFL (and tonight’s rivalry matchup).
“...combining toughness and kindness” is something #Cleveland and #Pittsburgh do exceptionally well, Rooney says as he tells the story of his father Dan’s commitment to bribg football back to #CLE after the team’s departure in the mid-1990s.
“He’d talk about greatness all the time,” Rooney says of his dad. “He’d never talk about winning the next game.”
Read 12 tweets
Oct 29th 2019
Ever since @realDonaldTrump declassified and released the Memorandum of Call, #conspiracytheorists have FOCUSED on the appearance of #ellipses in the #memorandum.

Here's an example.

This was tweeted by Jennifer Bendery
@jbendery, Senior politics reporter for @HuffPost HuffPost and VP of #WashingtonPressClubFoundation:
There is a slew of tweets bearing this same insinuation, that the call summary omits matters of substance or significance. You can see them by doing an advanced search on @Twitter:…
Read 26 tweets
Mar 6th 2017
Talking with #CLE press about my many deep concerns regarding President Trump's statements and business connections when it comes to Russia. Image
As a founding Co-chair of Ukraine Caucus, I know the brutal assault on liberty waged by Putin's Russia in Ukraine and across the world. Image
Bottom line, we need answers on undue Russian influence on the Trump Administration. We must hold the line on liberty.
Read 3 tweets

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