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Jul 14th 2020
1/10 🇨🇱
Por los niñxs de #Chile hoy vamos a mostrar la realidad de el #Sename.
Este es el servicio nacional de Menores dependiente del ministerio de justicia de Chile.
Su tarea es contribuir y proteger los derechos de los niños ,niñas y adolescentes.

#Children ImageImage
En 2017 la policía registró 2.071 casos de violencia y maltratos graves, incluyendo 310 agresiones de “connotación sexual” en hogares del Sename.
Lo cual abrió una investigacion por presunto delitos de abusos sexuales, violaciones y facilitación de prostitución de menores. ImageImage
Los testigos revelan duchas heladas hacia menores y mantenerlos desnudos con frío, castigos de pasar días sin comer,maltratos físicos, etc.
Un niño de 7 años murió ahogado en una de sus instituciones después de ser trasladado de otro hogar por haber sufrido abuso sexual. ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Jul 11th 2020
Wayfair product codes are pulling up images of young girls posing in very revealing clothes. ImageImageImage
Wayfair is a front for child trafficking #Wayfairtrafficing #WayfairTrafficksChildren ImageImageImage
I find myself asking myself why would clearnet site instead of darknet when it’s easily traceable etc. Then I realized it’s because they’re being protected by authorities and the government. these people have to have huge sway and power to pull this off.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 11th 2020
So wayfair has been trending because people have been noticing ordinary products selling for large amount of money from third party sellers. The products that are being priced ridiculously high have the same names as CHILDREN who have gone missing
Wayfair is a e-commerce giant that sells 14 million items from 11,000 global supplies, the perfect platform to sell “products” under the radar without much over sight. Add in 14 million items and the likelihood of having red flags raised would be very slim...
Let’s get into Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah. Shah founded, The Shah Family Foundation. A Youth focused organization that does “transformative work in education, healthcare and the community”, in the greater Boston area.
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Jul 10th 2020
Wayfair this name is a lil too specific and this pillow a lil too high🤔 #Wayfair #wayfairchildtrafficking
Ima just leave this here also
For everyone saying “do your research before you post”, i did. The same day this was posted i did my research. I looked up the name before i tweeted the photo. Im pointing out oddities. I didnt say “hey guys wayfair kidnapping and shipping out kids” im just pointing out the weird
Read 3 tweets
Jul 10th 2020
So I saw the wayfair conspiracy and decided to investigate myself. Unfortunately all these overpriced products are deleted but I decided to go further and look up the item codes. Here is what I found...
(2) If you look up these codes, they lead you to disturbing pictures. WHY DO THESE CODES LEAD YOU TO THIS TYPE OF PHOTOS!?! #wayfairtrafficking
To make it worse, I though src was short of source code. But when you just look those letters up in order, you get this as top results!? Wtf does this mean??? #wayfairtrafficking
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