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Nov 10th 2021
We profile Neda Kabiri's impact story as part of our 25th anniversary celebrations. Read thread👇on how Neda used the JBI approach to evidence implementation to promote informed consent in a children’s hospital in Tabriz, Iran.
#WeAreJBI Carer with child in hospita...
Informed consent is considered a continuous & dynamic process, and it becomes complex in paediatric clinical practice, where parents must make decisions for their children.
The aim of the evidence implementation project was to evaluate current practice and implement best practice related to promoting informed consent in nursing and medical procedures, as well as surgical consent in the paediatric hospital. Ill children playing on the...
Read 13 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
We profile @DanielaFilipa89 & her impact story as part of our 25th anniversary celebrations. Read thread below for insights on 'Evidence-based practice capacity building: a Portuguese experience with undergraduate nursing students'.
#WeAreJBI Out of focus clinicians wal...
Studies have identified education and training as a strategy to promote evidence-based practice (EBP) implementation, and to close the gap between research and practice.
A team at The Portugal Centre for Evidence Based Practice designed & implemented a project to integrate EBP into undergraduate nursing curricula within 9 nursing education institutions.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 3rd 2021
We profile Luciana Gouveia & her impact story as part of our 25th anniversary celebrations. Read thread👇 on how Luciana & team used the JBI approach to implementation to improve mothers’ experience of childbirth through evidence-based intrapartum care.
#WeAreJBI Tag pinned to cot with imag...
Abuse & disrespect in childbirth care has been deemed a public health issue in Brazil. Many studies have documented the prevalence of discriminatory & hostile attitudes in childbirth care.
Only 5.6% of Brazilian women have normal births without inappropriate & excessive invasive (often not informed or consented to) interventions during vaginal birth, eg the Kristeller manoeuvre, often leading to poor obstetric outcomes.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
We profile Yanni Wu & her impact story as part of our 25th anniversary celebrations. Read thread👇on the evidence-based project Yanni implemented on embedding pre-treatment assessment for patients with #BreastCancer undergoing chemotherapy into hospital policy. #WeAreJBI A patient receiving chemoth...
Chemotherapy drugs can result in side effects such as renal toxicity which is why evidence-based guidelines state that comprehensive health assessments should be conducted prior to administration of chemotherapy.
Yanni Wu is an advanced research nurse at Nanfang Hospital. She conducted a clinical audit of pre-treatment assessment for patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy which indicated significant deficits in pre-treatment assessment nursing practice at Nanfang Hospital. Yanni Wu
Read 13 tweets

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