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Aug 8th 2022
Does #ARKANSAS need a #GQP extremist as governor? Sarah accepted the endorsement of CPAC. Yeah - the same CPAC that just had nationalist fascist Victor Orban speak, as well as well-known white nationalists, US election deniers. #WhereIsSarah…
@JonesForAR is walking the whole state TWICE to meet and learn from actual Arkansans. He’s not a national figure phoning it in. Sara has not visited the state except the homes of wealthy donors. Arkansas needs an actual PLAN. Jones has that plan. Get registered, ready to #VOTE🗳
#Arkansas needs a governor that will hold the GOP majority Legislators’ feet to the fire. He’s pro-choice, pro-justice, pro-teacher. He has an infrastructure plan to bring AR into the 21st C… not the Race To The Bottom we are now in. Look at @JonesForAR and get ready to #VOTE🗳
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