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Sep 11th 2018
šŸ”„The Fear is Palpable: Trump in the White HousešŸ”„ The entire country needs to read this book before mid-terms. The dereliction of values, morality and decency is mind numbing. This isnā€™t government, this is a criminal enterpriseā€¼ļø #LockThemUpā€¦ #Amazon
šŸ„ƒJFCā€¼ļøIā€™m only on chapter 5. I havenā€™t gone to sleep and you wonā€™t be able to either- because- guess whatā‰ļø We are in a fucking Code Red, Blue and Black, Category 5 Hurricane, 10 Richter Scale, DEFCON 1. Get this book so I donā€™t have to drink alone šŸ„ƒ
#WhyNotNow ā‰ļø What is it going to take before we realize that our government as we know it is being stolen from usā‰ļø We better get off our ass and hit the streets before the midterms. Itā€™s going to take everyone of us to #TakeBackAmerica ā€¼ļø
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