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May 10th 2022
Denise McCluggage: pioneira nas pistas e na cobertura do automobilismo

#Racing #womeninsports #womeninmotorsport
hoje o ELAS NA HISTÓRIA traz a pioneira Denise McCluggage que não só arrasou nas pistas, como também foi crucial para o jornalismo dos esportes à motor. segue o fio 🧵
Em 1959, McCluggage se tornou a primeira mulher a vencer o evento de carros esportivos no Thompson Raceway em Connecticut, com um Porsche RS.
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Apr 28th 2022
vem conhecer um pouco mais sobre a história da Susie Wolff, ex-pilota e diretora executiva da Venturi Racing (Fórmula E) e dona do Toto Wolff
segue o fio!🧵🧵 Image
Toda a terça postamos no nosso instagram o quadro "Elas Na História"! E a estrela dessa semana foi a gigantesca Susie Wolff! Vem conhecer mais sobre a história dela Image
Após passar por categorias como Fórmula Renault e Fórmula 3, Wolff foi contratada pela Williams em 2012. Após participar de alguns testes, ela finalmente teve uma chance de pilotar num fim de semana no GP da Inglaterra de 2014, em Silverstone. ImageImageImageImage
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Jun 28th 2021
Formula 4 single-seater update 🏎️⬇️

Scoring a double podium and a P8 in @BritishF4, @AbbiPulling has shown her enormous potential 👏

Abbi is currently 6th in the championship standings and only 3 points away from P5 👀

At @Vallelunga, @HamdaalqubaisiO's best result in #ItalianF4 for @PREMA_Team was a P7!

By also finishing P12 and P16, she has shown good pace throughout the weekend which is promising for their races to come at @autodromoimola 💫
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Jun 22nd 2021
It’s W Series race week! 🎉

A group of 18 talented women will make up the grid along with five reserve drivers. The championship didn’t happen in 2020 so we’re excited to see what happens with some new faces on the grid too!

Here they are… ⬇️

#WomenInMotorsport Image
First up is the reigning champion @JamieChadwick 👑

The British driver races in @ExtremeELive, is part of the @WilliamsRacing family and won two races in 2019. Chadwick was also the first female to win a @BritishGT Championship, so has shown a lot of talent! Image
The next driver is @AbbieEaton44 who is one of the new faces on the grid for 2021 🏳️‍🌈

She has been the test driver for @thegrandtour, and is an ambassador for @RacingPrideHQ.

Eaton has raced in the British GT Championship and the Mazda MX-5 SuperCup in 2013 & 2014 Image
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