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Mar 8th 2021
The State Department is proud to honor 7 courageous Afghan women who were assassinated as #WomenofCourage for their efforts to help others and used their voices to empower those around them. Their efforts will not be forgotten.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 8th 2021
The State Department is proud to honor 7 courageous Afghani women who were assassinated as #WomenofCourage for their efforts to help others and used their voices to empower those around them. Their efforts will not be forgotten.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 9th 2021
1. The Revolution: US is in 5th generation unrestricted warfare. Kinetic 3rd & 4th gen beats it

Radar tracking shows @POTUS evacuated D.C. aboard his “Nightwatch” advanced airborne command post, arriving @ Air Force Global Strike Command near Abilene,TX… Image
2. The White House publicly released the National Strategy For Planetary Protection on 4 January.

Preparations began in Dec-2020 after the CCP warned they were planning a rapid expansion of their “weather modification” efforts.… Image
3. Then flew their largest Y-20 military transporter cargo plane into the Arctic Circle. It landed in the Spratly Islands on Dec 25 , but did not load or unload cargo. Thereafter the Arctic Circle was hit with a sudden stratospheric warming event...
Read 111 tweets

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