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Sep 14th 2020
Good hashtag?
& cool reminder of how working class kicked their ass at Battle of Canning Town, & how privileged middle class academics etc funded by the Davos elite push narrative
#DefundWWF ImageImageImageImage
Was vic there? 😎

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Sep 13th 2020
So look cheetah. Decline many 'protected' areas. 77% pop UNPROTECTED areas.
#ExtinctiontheFacts REAL facts? Conservation not worked v areas traditionally stewarded. Greatest inventory? Namibia. 84% animal ag eg sheep wool swakara AND meat.
#BigGreenLIe #DefundBBC #DefundWWF ImageImageImageImage
So BEST thing you can do this year if you want to protect cheetah is buy a swakara coat. Plenty vintage if you can't afford because, you know unlike crap synthetic coats they last donkeys years.
PS for xstinkers who dont know one end of animal from another = SW African Karakul
But what do Davos cretins like @ZacGoldsmithMP want to do? Ban fur. Yeah right. Like there is any fur in here, another problem we are causing in Africa because we do NOT buy clothes that are long lasting animal derived.…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
Originators of #ecofascism liked #pangolins photo opps too.
Like now, aim to evict indigenous & rural peoples producing food etc from their lands, & put everyone on plant based diet. Current elite invested much pretending they aren't racist. They are.
#DefundtheBBC #DefundtheWWF ImageImageImageImage
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