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Oct 31st 2020
If you care about public safety...

If people cannot return from incarceration and find housing and employment....If they cannot connect with their community and families....

What exactly do you expect they will do?

The ability to return connected is a public safety imperative
Why do we consider to expect people to embrace a society that shuns them, that often relegates them to homelessness and unemployment, that often doesn't allow them a voice in their own government, and that makes connection nearly impossible

NIMBY is counterproductive
In Oklahoma right now, law enforcement is running a scare tactics campaign to scare voters into refusing SQ 805

The question is NOT if there will be recidivism, there is recidivism now...the question SHOULD BE will there be more recidivism BEFORE or AFTER reform is passed.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 17th 2020
[THREAD] I went to law school to be a prosecutor. I was attracted to the job because the prosecutor’s duty is to “do justice.” This is the commonly and dearly held belief in the profession. Doing justice means just what it says. Sometimes it means convicting, sometimes (1/18)
It means dismissing. I was inspired by @adamjohnfoss and his work around restorative justice. In his @TEDTalks he discusses being able to put a defendant on a plan instead of taking him to trial for theft. Defendant was a young kid. Due to Adam’s redirect as the (2/18)
Prosecutor, the kid repaid all the damage done and ultimately went on to become a doctor. He would never have been able to go to medical school with a felony on his record. This type of justice was what I was interested in as a legal intern in the DA’s office. (3/18)
Read 18 tweets

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