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Apr 12th 2021
Last week, prior to police killing Daunte Wright, I gave an interview on behalf of @thestreettrust to @KOINNews about the defunding of Portland's traffic enforcement division.

When they asked why I didn't think more policing was the answer to traffic violence, I said this:
Racial bias in traffic enforcement is a well-documented reality. One life lost to police violence at a traffic stop is too many. Kendra James needlessly lost her life during a traffic stop. Sandra Bland. Philando Castille. Walter Scott. Jordan Edwards. #SayHerName #SayHisName
At this critical time of reckoning with Portland's legacy of white supremacy and racist policing, we must come together to innovate new ways of ensuring everyone in our community has access to safe and just streets, regardless of their skin color, housing status, or zip code.
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