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May 30th 2023
Flight Review: Condor Airlines Airbus A330neo Business Class From Seattle To Frankfurt

Earlier this year, in preparation for the launch of its #Airbus #A330neo flights, @Condor Airlines invited Simple Flying to fly on the inaugural Seattle to Frankfurt flight. (1/5)

#Aviation Photo: Lukas Souza
Once the boarding process began, it went quickly and smoothly, as far as I could tell from inside the #aircraft. The crew was extremely friendly and excited to show off Condor’s new plane. (2/5) ImageImage
All passengers received a blanket and pillow at the seat when boarding, and as I was in the Prime seat up front, I also received a set of @Condor branded pajamas, which included the stripes on the inside of the hood. Every seat came with a sustainable amenity kit... (3/5) Image
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