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Mar 30th 2020
building a long-life (10yrs+) graph-backed web service for @pariyatti (a non-profit). we're planning to use #neo4j

i have some questions.
#python + #django support seems... weak, at best? (latest commits to `neomodel` and the django plugin are 2019/2018 with no support for neo4j 4.x)

is this a misconception on my part? i'd love a shout out from people happily building webapps with #neo4j on #python out there
#ruby and #rails support seems okay. #activegraph is a thing and there was a commit this week. the design seems sane.

i have 10-year-old rails apps, though. they... don't work. the ruby & rails ecosystem isn't really geared toward "boring things that will work in 10-20 years"
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