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Mar 13th 2021
#Donanemab for #Alzheimer, misleadingly spun as positive: “donanemab resulted in a better […] ability to perform activities of daily living than placebo at 76 weeks”. The data suggest otherwise. (1/8)

#EliLilly @NEJM #ADPD2021…
(2/8) First off, donanemab accomplished exactly what it was designed for: At 76 weeks, the reduction in the amyloid plaque level as assessed by florbetapir PET was 85.06 centiloids greater in the donanemab group than in the placebo group (−84.13 vs. 0.93 centiloids)
(3/8) However, the primary outcome, the composite iADRS (range, 0 - 144), showed a difference of only 3.20 points in favor of donanemab. While with a p=0.04, the trial was powered to show a 6-point difference. This goal was not reached, as the authors admit in the discussion.
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