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Mar 14th 2022
At the Nnewi Creative Industry hangout yesterday, a Reverend Father who was invited by a veteran Lagos based movie producer from Nnewi revealed that he's been running a movie academy in Nnewi for two years now. He said a lot of people have graduated from the academy and
that they have produced about 12 standard movies so far.

He also said that what he does is actually secular movies.

The Reverend Father is part of Nnewi Creative Industry and has promised to contribute his own quota in building the industry
The Reverend Father talked about how he hosted an event in Nnewi for the creatives across South East a year ago at Ifeanyi Ubah stadium. He talked about how the budget for the event was in millions and how they recovered everything from just ticket sales.

Everyone was amazed
Read 6 tweets
Jun 5th 2019

Igbo Bụ Igbo (Igbo is Igbo) But We Have Igbo Deniers

The grandfather & one of the earliest known #IgboDeniers is the acclaimed Ikwerre Writer from Aluu – Elechi Amadi (He schooled in Yoruba land & was a Nigerian soldier during the war).
He went to the Oputa Panel in 2004 & told the whole world that Ikwerre is not Igbo.

Later day Igbo Denying apostles include a certain Henry Okelue (@4eyedmonk) who is only known on Twitter where he claims that Anioma or Delta Igbo are not Igbo.

The question is this. If Igbo bụ Igbo, what is the motivation of these #IgboDeniers? The simple chief answer is this. “Failure is an orphan”.

Read 33 tweets

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