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Jul 6th 2021
1/ 🔔June Summary🔔

It was an intense month of building here at #Alpha and we would like to give the #AlphaWolf community our monthly recap on what we’ve built. 🐺
2/ The details are broken down into the sections below: 👇
1⃣Alpha Homora
3⃣Alpha Tokenomics
4⃣Alpha Launchpad
5⃣Alpha Oracle Aggregator
3/ Starting with Alpha Homora, TVL across all Alpha Homora products is standing at ~$1.19B. 📈

#AlphaHomoraV2 has also consistently been able to maintain high lending rates as compared to other lending protocols in the market. 🏆

Here’s a quick comparison: Image
Read 15 tweets
May 18th 2021
1/7 Since the #AlphaHomoraV2 launch 5 days ago, we've been collecting feedback from the #AlphaWolf community.

Today, the improved user interface (UI) based on the feedback collected has been live!…
2/7 The UI that we have improved is on the last step before leverage yield farmers confirm their transaction.

Below shows the old user interface.
3/7 Below shows the new user interface.

Information is clearly separated into 3 parts.

1⃣breakdown of assets in your position

2⃣breakdown of APR

3⃣breakdown of price impact and slippage
Read 7 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
Less than 24-hours after the launch of $ALPHA tokenomics, the #Alpha community has staked over 24,000,000 ALPHA tokens (~10% of circulating supply) 🔥


With an average of 90,000+ ALPHA staked/transaction, the #AlphaWolf pack is growing by the minute🐺
2/ At over 24,000,000 $ALPHA tokens, the ALPHA staking contract is now the largest active on-chain ALPHA contract 💪

Follow our link below to join the #AlphaWolf pack and stake your ALPHA tokens:
3/ In case you missed it, see our blog post below for a summary of everything $ALPHA tokenomics, and thorough step-by-step guide on how to stake and unstake your ALPHA tokens:…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
$ALPHA tokenomics is live!


We’re excited to welcome all ALPHA token holders to officially join the #AlphaWolf Pack. 🐺

ALPHA stakers will earn protocol fees from Alpha’s entire product suite & unlock product features by using them as ALPHA stakers.
2/ Recap on how accrued fees on #AlphaHomora are distributed:

👉75% will be distributed to all ALPHA stakers in form of ALPHA tokens

👉5% will be for long-term developer grants, as Alpha continues to decentralize

👉20% will repay outstanding debt owed to @CreamdotFinance
3/ The 75% of the total fees accrued by the #AlphaHomora protocols will be proportionally distributed to all $ALPHA stakers.

Fee distribution will begin in 24-hours (from launch of ALPHA tokenomics).
Read 8 tweets

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