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Nov 25th 2022
On November 21st #ESETResearch detected and alerted @_CERT_UA of a wave of ransomware we named #RansomBoggs, deployed in multiple organizations in Ukraine🇺🇦. While the malware written in .NET is new, its deployment is similar to previous attacks attributed to #Sandworm. 1/9
@_CERT_UA Its authors make multiple references to Monsters, Inc., the 2001 movie by Pixar. The ransom note (SullivanDecryptsYourFiles.txt) shows the authors impersonate James P. Sullivan, the main character of the movie, whose job is to scare kids. 2/9
@_CERT_UA The executable file is also named Sullivan.<version?>.exe and references are present in the code as well. 3/9
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May 20th 2022
#BREAKING #Sandworm continues attacks in Ukraine 🇺🇦. #ESETresearch found an evolution of a malware loader used during the #Industroyer2 attacks. This updated piece of the puzzle is malware
@_CERT_UA calls #ArguePatch. ArguePatch was used to launch #CaddyWiper. #WarInUkraine 1/6 Image
The #Industroyer2 attacks used a patched version of @HexRaysSA IDA Pro’s remote debug server (win32_remote.exe). It was modified to include code to decrypt and run #CaddyWiper from an external file. 2/6 ImageImage
This time, #Sandworm chose an official @ESET executable to hide #ArguePatch. It was stripped of its digital signature and code was overwritten in a function called during the MSVC runtime initialization. 3/6 ImageImage
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