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Nov 27th 2020
Mira Nair on Suitable Adaptations | OLF2020 | EE83…
Filmmaker @MiraPagliNair talks on #ASuitableBoy, how the series came into being, politics in the country and more.
Watch the session LIVE in #OdishaLitFest20!
@XpressOdisha @kavereeb #OdishaLiteraryFestival2020

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"If we don't tell our own stories, nobody else will," says filmmaker @MiraPagliNair as she talks on her career, childhood and more in #OdishaLitFest20 with @kavereeb.

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Sep 3rd 2020
Not so long after #ASuitableBoy came out I first met #VikramSeth autographing copies at #Blackwells at #Oxford. When my turn came he asked where I was from. I told him. He warmed up - he was already fairly jovial with those present - & told me how he learnt Urdu for the novel 1/
that he loved Urdu poetry & wished to visit Pakistan. He wrote a couple of sentences in Urdu on my copy. Turned out he was an alumnus of #corpuschristi which I was attending & which had recently made him Honorary Fellow. I asked him for an interview which he very graciously 2/
agreed to. A few days later we sat in the heavenly back lawn of our College. Libas Magazine carried it in the summer of ‘94. I met him a few times thereafter as well - we invited him over for a reading & he invited me back for formal hall. A few times he hung out in the 3/
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Aug 29th 2020
A short thread in a lighter vein.
@BBC's #ASuitableBoy featured this beautiful song from the 1950 film Samadhi. Gore, Gore, O Banki Chori, Kabhi Mere Gali Aaya karo.
Having re-discovered it on @YouTube, I learn that the tune is a very good adaptation of an earlier recording by Amercian musician and singer Edmundo Ros. (I'd never heard of him until today) Here is Ros' song Chico Chico.
They are both catchy, lilting. light-hearted tunes, the kind that even the tone-deaf, unmusical, voice-like-a-donkey's among us think they can join in, without offending anyone. But I think Bollywood's Gore Gore is a vast improvement on the original, if indeed it was a copy.
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Aug 25th 2020
#ASuitableBoy is at its heart about love and romance, but there are so many subplots and little side stories set in a historical context. Consider this one. In the First General election in Free India, even as everyone is delightedly queuing up to vote, Arun Mehra is aloof.
Attired in his western clothes drinking in his Club, he is disdainful of all the excitement of electing your new Government. "Things were much better", he says, "when the British were in charge". I couldn't help reflecting that it must have been a commonly held view at the time.
Just as now many Indians are perfectly content with the authoritarian, unaccountable, violent, discriminatory, bigoted lot who currently rule India. It is not they don't recognize the latent fascism, rather they support it because personally, they benefit from such a regime.
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Jul 16th 2020
#ComeOnNetflix - HD images from all the 17 upcoming releases from Netflix.

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#GunjanSaxena is inspired by the life of
a fearless young officer who made history by becoming the first Indian female Air Force officer to fly in a combat zone during the 1999 Kargil War.
They say you don't meet people by accident, they are meant to cross your path for a reason. Following the journey of four different lives who meet at a crossroads, #Ludo is much more than just a mere coincidence.
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