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Sep 24th 2020
We wrote a review on the potential of genome sequencing technologies in autism
@lornahoulihan @lgallagh_louise…

@AutismTCD @MaynoothBiology @scienceirel @MaynoothUni @tcddublin
#AutismGenomics #BelieveInScience

Let me tell you more (1/5)
WHY study the genetics of autism?

Studying genetics helps us to understand the biology of autism and brings us towards improved diagnosis and medical decision-making (2/5)

#ThinkGenetics #AutismGenomics Image
HOW can we identify genetic variants in ASD?

Sequencing of the whole genome and the whole exome is made possible by Next-Generation Sequencing technologies. These techniques allow us to look at many types of genetic variation across the genome. (3/5)

#NGS #Genomics Image
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