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Oct 27th 2019

Giuliani associates claimed to have sway with both foreign billionaires (particularly Firtash) and Trump administration officials

TeamTrump 👉🏼Firtash 👉🏼Mogilevich

Sondland Told House Panels Trump’s Ukraine Pressure Was Quid Pro Quo

WBC corroborated

Sen. Whitehouse: “A senior official from a friendly government told me that Trump has handed the Mideast over to Putin, and that it will be decades to repair the damage done to American interests.“

Trump's lies on Syria were jaw-dropping

Is William Barr the Head of DOJ or QAnon?

John Durham’s investigation of the Russia probe as a criminal matter is further proof that the DOJ is a tool for Trump now

Who Is Bill Barr?

Establishment Republicans thought he was one of them.

They misjudged him
Read 64 tweets

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