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Dec 13th 2018
THREAD. Four years ago, my wife and I made the final payment on a collection of debts that were sizable. It took us 22 months of intense focus. It was, in retrospect, perhaps the most valuable thing we’ve ever done for our marriage. #DebtFree #TBT #babysteps #ThursdayMotivation
The vast majority of this debt was student loan debt, potentially dischargeable through public service debt forgiveness. When I began telling people that we had decided just to pay it all off, some people thought it crazy to NOT coast for ten years and then watch it go away.
In retrospect, I believe we made the right choice. My wife’s dealings with her loan servicer were a regular pain. Payments were often not applied correctly, and even as we were making double/triple payments, dealing with them was a regular annoyance.
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