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Sep 17th 2022
Como prometido, vamos de algumas recomendações de leitura para o Batmá nesse #BatmanDay . Essa lista é baseada na >minha< opinião. Toda as histórias aqui podem ser lidas sem nenhum conhecimento prévio da polêmica "cronologia" das hqs.
10- Batman: Cavaleiro Branco
Roteiro/Arte: Sean Murphy

Universo alternativo onde o Coringa consegue colocar a polícia e o povo de Gotham contra o Batman. Levanta temas como o impacto e os danos causados na cidade pelos Vigilantes e se eles são realmente necessários. Image
9- Batman: Terra Um
Roteiro: Geoff Johns
Arte: Garry Fank

Reimaginação do início de carreira do Batman. Explorando seu relacionamento e treinamento com o Alfred. Além de algumas alterações no papel da família Wayne em Gotham. The Batman (2022) puxa algumas idéias desta HQ. Image
Read 15 tweets
Sep 17th 2021
It’s #BatmanDay! A good time to post a thread about Batman and killing.

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Read 9 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
Recordando a Adam West. Image
Adam West on the set of "Batman".
#BatmanDay Image
Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, and Tim Burton on the set of "Batman".
#BatmanDay Image
Read 3 tweets
May 14th 2020
So I'm intending to do a post/pick a day of art I've bought or commissioned from an artist hopefully along with @chiefy2shoes & @seddonism
Day 1 is #hellboy by the great @duncanfegredo This started a theme of characters eating ice cream, I've not got too many in this theme though Image
Day #2 of sketches/commissions posts of art that I've got over the years. Continuing the theme of characters with #icecream here is #thegoon by the amazing Eric Powell @goonguy done at @ThoughtBubbleUK in Leeds. #ComicCon #commissions #comics #goon @chiefy2shoes @seddonism Image
Day #3 of art/commissions bought over the years. Baroness eating an ice cream by @RachaelAtWork. Think this was my final "character eating an ice cream" so not many in that theme, need to do more @chiefy2shoes @seddonism @Talking_Joe @TheFullForce #GIJoe #Baroness #comicart Image
Read 200 tweets
Sep 21st 2019
Hoy es #BatmanDay, y uno muy especial porque se celebran 80 años del personaje.

Así que les hablaré de algo especial, ¿Batman mata? ¿No lo hace? Y más importante, ¿Por qué?

🦇 Abro Hilo 🦇
Para comenzar ¿Qué es el Batman Day?

Pues básicamente es una fecha donde celebramos la primera aparición del personaje en Detective Comics #27 publicado en 1939.
Pero hay un problema, si son detallistas se dan cuenta de que el comic fue publicado en MAYO, pero hoy es 21 de Septiembre. ¿Qué pasó?
Read 52 tweets

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