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May 22nd 2023
Institutional capture via language: what do UNDP, ECB, OECD, EU Commission & an environmentally minded MEP have in common? They all endorsed consciously or not a contested reconceptualisation of #nature & human life at last week' #beyondgrowth event…… 1/11
@spietikainen started the panel by stating: "let's assume (..) that we all agree already that GDP is flawed and not the right measure and that we need a new metering system that includes the planetary boundaries, the #naturalcapital and the social wellbeing of humans." 2/11
While we know Sirpa and do not doubt her intentions, the reference to #naturalcapital - a simplistic and contested reconceptualisation of #nature - is extremely problematic and shows the level of linguistic capture on the issue of conservation. 3/11
Read 11 tweets
May 20th 2023
Algunas ideas rápidas sobre la conferencia #BeyondGrowth 🇪🇺🌿

Tres días de debates entre académicos, activistas y representantes políticos en uno de los eventos climáticos más importantes del año.

Tres días para constatar que el movimiento ecologista está en buena forma. Image
Tres días en los que hemos podido escuchar a @jasonhickel, Tim Jackson, @KateRaworth, @g_kallis o @DanielaGabor hablando sobre reducir la jornada laboral, abandonar la métrica del PIB, cancelar la deuda del Sur Global o adelantar los objetivos del Pacto Verde Europeo.
Tres días para certificar que tenemos el diagnóstico, pero que falta, todavía, una estrategia y un programa —el «cómo»—.

Lo ecológicamente urgente es políticamente difícil de articular y solo podremos llegar tan lejos como fuerzas tengamos, de ahí la importancia de esta tarea.
Read 13 tweets
May 19th 2023
"My editor refuses to print any story critical of economic growth."

Cannot confirm⬆️what @JKSteinberger reported, but... I did check and:

NO BIG MEDIA covered the momentous event #BeyondGrowth2023 by the @Europarl_EN , @EP_ThinkTank, @EU_Commission in Brussels.

No media. 1/3
Not @el_pais , not @repubblica not @FT , not even @ftbrussels , not @guardian. Not @DIEZEIT.


Silencing alternatives to the religion of continuous growth (that is killing all of us) is the new mandatory religion.

Many scientists gathered to find sustainable... 2/3
...alternatives, #BeyondGrowth, to live together on our Earth.

But all their voices and science is silenced. With the peculiar swindle (ethically violent) of the media silence.

The only way to make people know is you: RT, tell others. 3/3
Read 3 tweets
May 17th 2023
The #BeyondGrowth #BeyondGrowth2023 has just finished, and the working class has barely been mentioned outside of discussions relating to trade unions - which highlights, yet again, that post growth/degrowth still has no idea on how to approach social class 🧵
1. Yes, trade unions are integral to mass movements and mobilisation. But what about those who aren't in trade unions, or who aren't in work? How can post growth build a movement amongst the most disenfranchised and alienated, which those outside of unions are?
2. There is also a tendency to refer to the global North's 'working class' with no distinction between class experiences by country.... When you say the working class, who are you referring to? There's loads of us!
Read 11 tweets
May 16th 2023
Summary of my talk at the #BeyondGrowth conference on the impossibility of green growth and the necessity of degrowth. 🧵 Image
There is a rumour that is picking up speed in the media, affirming that it is possible to both produce more while polluting less. Some people call it “green growth.” Image
This rumour is not only a rumour, it is also a belief deeply embedded within our current environmental strategies. Problem: The idea of an economic growth fully decoupled from nature is scientifically baseless and it is distracting us from more effective transition strategies. Image
Read 17 tweets
May 16th 2023
Listening to an old friend Vandana Shiva at #BeyondGrowth in EU Parliament.. "The ecological problem began with the colonial problem..All the land of India was turned into a commodity . 60 million died .. Colonialism was 'nature based'..." she says Image
Vandana criticises John Locke - on money and investment... "the currency of money that is extinguishing life.."
"88% of biodiversity is to be found on 22% of the land...under the protection of indigenous communities. Should we not be supporting them? " she asks,..
Read 5 tweets
May 15th 2023
At the #BeyondGrowth conference in Brussels, with another 2000 participants, curious to see what's the discourse in the new geopolitics Image
Last time I was here at a large scale event, in 2018/19, it was for Sustainable Finance, where Europe was organising to discipline carbon capital.
4 years and a US IRA later, that political project is dead.
first joyful moment, greeting two fierce African feminist/tax justice activists here to challenge Europe's 'derisking Africa'/WallStreetConsensus Image
Read 31 tweets

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