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Jul 19th 2022
#SupremeCourt will today hear plea by P. Varavara Rao, an accused in the #bhimakoregaoncase, challenging the order of the #BombayHighCourt refusing to grant him permanent medical bail.
Supreme Court issues notice in plea.
Matter to be heard for final disposal on August 10.
Top Court extends interim protection granted to Rao.
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Jul 12th 2022
#SupremeCourt to shortly hear plea by 82-yr-old Telugu poet Varavara Rao seeking permanent medical bail.

Bench of Justices UU Lalit, S Ravindra Bhat and Sudhanshu Dhulia will hear the matter.

#bhimakoregaon #bhimakoregaoncase #varavararao #bail Image
Rao's earlier temporary medical bail granted by the Bombay High Court ends today.

Read more about the plea here:…
Senior Advocate Anand Grover appears for Rao. Solicitor-General Tushar Mehta for the NIA.

#bhimakoregaon #bhimakoregaoncase
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May 10th 2022
Ten recusals in Bhima Koregaon raises the question: Should judges disclose reasons for withdrawal?

Would disclosing reasons reduce the controversy around mass recusals? By @UmangPod…
So far five judges in the Bombay High Court have recused themselves from hearing petitions related to the Bhima Koregaon case with Justice Sadhana Jadhav being the latest one.

By @UmangPod
Apart from the Bombay High Court, five judges of the Supreme Court had earlier recused themselves from hearing pleas by another accused in the case, activist Gautam Navlakha.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
Sr Adv Anand Grover mentioned application on behalf of #BhimaKoregaonCase accused #varavararao for allowing deposit of temporary cash bail valid for a period of 2 months till they make arrangements for solvent sureties.
He stated that the application is being filed and they have to procure the signatures of Rao on the affidavit.

Bench of Justices SS Shinde and Manish Pitale orally requested Chief PP Deepak Thakare to allow Rao’s lawyer Adv Satyanarayanan to visit him in the hospital for signatures.

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Jun 18th 2020
Hello, we are @GuneetKaurAhuja and @aimanjkhan, today we will look at the system of sanctions under UAPA. This discussion is curated based on notes and research done by Advocate Parijata. She is a Delhi based lawyer. 1/n Image
To prevent UAPA from being applied indiscriminately & keep its use in check: there is a system of sanctions. This requires prosecution to get an authorisation from a designated authority, without which, court cannot legally take notice of the case and start the proceedings. 1/n
The law regarding sanctions is enumerated in Sec. 45 of the Act.The Supreme Court has held that the lack of a valid sanction vitiates the entire trial under UAPA (Ashraf khan @ Babu Munne khan v. State of Gujarat (2012) 11 SCC 606). 2/n
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