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Sep 17th 2020
Before I finish on @IndigenousX tonight - I wanted to share something to all the non-Indigenous researchers out there, the academics, the ones who have researched on #Aboriginal & #TorresStraitIslander communities & those who think they wanna be joining in the future
Lived experiences are paramount when you are conducting research. This doesn’t mean you create a project that has been done before or interview Aboriginal people because it’s easier than exploring what has already been done in that space.
#Indigenous people have been researched & researched - sometimes to continue the social constructs & stereotyping. Sometimes the researcher may have ‘good intentions’! There is so much data, research & information - make sure you have the correct info & you use it with respect!
Read 6 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
When we have non-Indigenous people as gate keepers to our knowledge, our language, our culture - for me, I see a continuation of past policies/practices that continue control of how our knowledge, language, culture is used & in what context. There is a difference between Ally
& someone (non-Indigenous) who takes up a position running an institution that holds invaluable Aboriginal culture, has final say over how it’s run & controlling this knowledge. Despite previous engagement w community, it is important we fight for self-determination
Fight for the right to make decisions that impact mob in every area of our lives. Within HWI, within the CJS, within education, health, housing, social justice - & especially from the outside. Many mob are silenced when working in these spaces - unable to speak.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 10th 2020

I was able to draw on research methodologies that challenged the dominant paradigm of research and I was confident enough to cite as many Aboriginal scholars throughout my thesis - despite being told in my Confirmation to ‘cite’ white men!
Studying in a HWI for #Blacademics can be extremely draining - not only because of the ‘expected free labour’ but the fact that your lived experience as a researcher is ignored & denied, ensuring academia and valid knowledge is centred around whiteness!
There is a huge gap in the lived experiences of researchers in academia (obvs other spaces but I’m taking about a specific space)! We are never going to learn from books written by people with no experience but interviewing techniques. We must centre real life experiences.
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