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Feb 7th 2022
Good Morning @girlpilot_

You have once again made it #WomenOfTheDay

It is extra special

As now bhai has decided to threaten you

Bhai ne #Sullideals and #Bullibai se inspiration le hi liya 💪

Publically intimidate karna chahte hain so that women don't speak

Koi na


The women in his follower list are silent
Koi na

But do notice that all likes are from men


Men se yaad aaya

@Insaafkadost - Do include this in your islamic viewpoint space about how women are to be treated

@deccandodger : Abe Galibaaz really 😑
In that space badh chadh ke bura bhala kaha gya

Brumby ko

Which is Australian Feral Horse

And baki log bhi the

@midhatkidwai bhai, @underdated bhai etc

But inn bhaisahab ka shauk khali #Women par rehta hai

Mardon ko ye privilege dete hain

Read 6 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
NEXT UP: 3rd seed Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) vs. 14th seed White Winged Vampire Bat (Diaemus youngi). #2021MMM [bat photo via @inaturalist]
Once again, this primate/bat match-up is brought to you by myself & @alyb_batgirl. #DejaVu #2021MMM
Chimpanzees live in rainforest, woodland, & savannah habitats across equatorial Africa & are one of the most intensively studied primate species. They are very closely related to humans, sharing ~99% of our DNA. #2021MMM [map via @NGKids; illustration via]
Read 22 tweets

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