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Jun 5th 2023
No. 176 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS (1926) The home of Judge Thomas G. Sherman, counsel to Henry Ward Beecher during the famous Beecher-Tilton scandal. Fatally ill in 1900, his kidney was removed in his bedroom, but he died 4 hours later.

#Brooklyn Heights #HouseHistory (@BKLYNlibrary) ImageImage
Another snapshot of No. 176 Columbia Heights from approx. the '20s (before its alteration).

#Brooklyn Heights #HouseHistory Image
@BKLYNlibrary This 1958 shot of No. 176 Columbia Heights was taken after its 1938 Regency-style renovation.

#BrooklynHeights #HouseHistory Image
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Aug 24th 2019
It’s hard to believe this was ever a place for cars. The most interesting thing about the #TimesSquare transformation in New York by ⁦@MikeBloomberg⁩ ⁦@JSadikKhan⁩ & ⁦@citiesforpeople⁩ — it wasn’t sold as “place-making.” It was about TRAFFIC WORKING BETTER.
There’s lots of reasons why New York’s Bryant Park is one of the best people-places anywhere. But my favourite reasons are the many diverse well-defined “sub-spaces” as you walk around it; the massive number of moveable chairs; & the big beautiful shade trees on a hot, sunny day.
What is successful urbanism? If there’s a lot of people in a “public space” (it’s not actually public), is it a good place? New York’s new Hudson Yards development has been criticized by many urbanists, & defended by some, so I needed to see it myself. It raised many questions:
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