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Jan 26th 2020
Today at 0947am, @LHSLASD assisted @LACOFD with a Helicopter Crash near the @CityofCalabasas. All we can confirm at the moment is 9 people were on board. No one survived. We at @LASDHQ offer our condolences to those families affected. @NTSB & @FAANews are on scene & investigating
People from around the world are reeling from news of the tragic crash today near #Calabasas. We mourn alongside the families and friends affected by this tragic loss, & are working closely with multiple local and federal agencies to determine the cause of this incident.
This will be an extensive investigation, which could take a great deal of time. We know people want to come to the crash site, but we need to keep it clear for investigators. Affected residents are reminded to provide photo ID for entry into closed areas...
Read 4 tweets
Nov 12th 2018
πŸ”₯ THREAD ⚠️ Spread the word. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Massive #WoolseyFire Began On Contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory, Close to Site of Partial Meltdown
Statement by Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles (@PSRLA)
#SimiValley #SSFL
🚨 Electric Substation at #SSFL Tripped 2 Minutes Before Fire Reported
The tremendously destructive #WoolseyFire has been widely reported as beginning β€œnear” Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL or Rocketdyne), but it appears that the fire began on the #Rocketdyne property itself.
"Cal Fire identifies the fire location as E Street and Alfa Road, a location that is in fact on Santa Susana Field Laboratory." -@PSRLA
#CalFire #SSFL #SimiValley #WoolseyFire
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Nov 11th 2018
🚨 THREAD πŸ”₯ Spread the word. πŸ‘πŸΌ
Woolsey Fire Burns Nuclear Meltdown Site that State Toxics Agency Failed to Clean Up
Statement by Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles (@psrla)
#SSFL #WoolseyFire #SimiValley #OakPark #BellCanyon
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The #WoolseyFire began on the property of the contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory. #SSFL, a former nuclear and rocket engine testing site, is one of the most contaminated sites in the nation.
#SimiValley #OakPark #VenturaCounty #BellCanyon #WestHills #SFV
"Santa Susana Field Laboratory (#SSFL / #Rocketdyne) burned in the #WoolseyFire, threatening toxic exposures from contaminated dust, smoke, ash & soil. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) denies risk that it created by delaying the long promised cleanup." -@PSRLA
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