Woolsey Fire Burns Nuclear Meltdown Site that State Toxics Agency Failed to Clean Up
Statement by Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles (@psrla)
#SSFL #WoolseyFire #SimiValley #OakPark #BellCanyon
⚠️🔎 indybay.org/newsitems/2018…

#SimiValley #OakPark #VenturaCounty #BellCanyon #WestHills #SFV

#WoolseyFire #oakparkfire #ThousandOaks #SimiValley #BellCanyon #Calabasas
✍️ change.org/p/no-more-kids…

#WoolseyFire #VenturaCounty

More than a half million people live within 10 miles.
#WoolseyFire #SSFL #BellCanyon

#WoolseyFire #SSFL #SimiValley #VenturaCounty #SFV #LosAngeles

#WoolseyFire #WoolseyCanyon #Boeing #BellCanyon #SimiValley #VenturaCounty #LosAngeles


#WoolseyFire #SSFL #SimiValley #VenturaCounty
#WoolseyFire #SSFL

The Woosley Fire Tore Through a Nuclear Testing Site ~ Doctors Sound Alarm on Possible Air Contamination (@PSRLA)
#SimiValley #Chatsworth

-Donald Bond @DonaldWBond
#WoolseyFire #SSFL #SpreadTheWord 🤓