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Dec 23rd 2022
Breast Conservation | The importance of self breast examination!

“Self berast examination allows you to evaluate your own breast, it teaches you to examine your breast, understand the lumps and bumps in your breasts.”

@TataMemorial | @CancerGridIndia | @nitaSnair

Listen to Dr. Nita S Nair, Surgical oncologist and Professor in breast oncology at the Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. give us valuable insights into Breast Conservation.

#Cancer #TMCNCGNavyaWay #BreastCancer #BreastConservation
TMC NCG Navya ensures that all cancer patients can afford treatment recommendations from expert oncologists through our strong alliances with experts, nonprofits, and industry.

#CancerCare #HealthIsWealth #BreastExamination
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