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Jun 4th 2020
the miracles of passive voice in Lagarde's response: we are confident that a good solution will be found to the matter raised by the German Constitutional Court for the German government and German Parliament.
PEPP 'birth certificate': buying government bonds has a backstop function to deal with market stress/fragmentation and a stance function, to address the inflation outlook.
we can at least thanks the German judges for getting us an ECB that makes a better case for the monetary aspects of fiscal policies and vice-versa.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
Our financial stability discussants on #BankingUnion, the #CMU & systemic impacts of #Fintech are B. Martenczuk (@EBFeu), D. Laboureix (@EU_SRB), M. Hellwig (@maxplanckpress), F. Demarigny (Next CMU HLEG) and C. Stiefmüller (@forfinancewatch) #FWconference2019
@EBFeu @EU_SRB @maxplanckpress @MacroPru "If we think about capital requirements in #Basel3, big banks are back where they were in the late 90s and still using internal models for risk weighting etc. which leaves banks very vulnerable" Martin Hellwig in its #FWconference2019 keynote
@EBFeu @EU_SRB @maxplanckpress @MacroPru @WEED_eV @TI_EU @TNInstitute @SOMO @Suedwind_eV @monnetaorg @PositiveMoneyUK @NEF @UNI_Europa @etuc_ces "The @EU_SRB is about getting banks ready to withstand a resolution - it means loss absorption capacity but it also means organising banks business in a way that is resolvable" Dominique Laboureix at #FWconference2019
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