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Dec 28th 2021
Humanity has but three great enemies: fever, famine and war; of these, by far the greatest, by far the most terrible, is fever. -Sir William Osler

That’s why temperature is one of the “vital signs” (not pain🤨) Image
So if you have ever wondered how body controls🌡 & never got an answer beyond - somewhere in 🧠hypothalamus; here’s an explanation.
🤕 is admitted H&H 4 SAH + IVH. This is the temp📈-shows, patient started spiking 🌡@ 24hrs & peaked ~72hrs. Cultures ⏲ ABX started on admission. Image
38.3 C = magic number for most of us to trigger “pan-culture” + “broad spectrum ABX” to fight off infection.

Does every fever needs to be addressed with ABX?? - probably not.

This is a #MedTwitter about Central fever aka neurogenic fever. From basics to treatment approaches.
Read 22 tweets

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