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Dec 19th 2019
You'll soon hear a lot about Microsoft's Power Platform ... is it going to be used or not will depend heavily upon top leadership buy-in, as always.

This #lowcode platform is quite interesting. Rough right now, but it'll become useful in a year or two. #CIO needs to work w/ CXOs
Microsoft Power Apps, Power BI & Power Automate are not just a trifecta, they're a triumvirate.

I expect a Cambrian explosion of citizen apps in enterprises around mid 2020s, if Microsoft does its usual sales & product development tango.

But they need CXOs buy-in, not CIO alone
I had my hunch post the announcements recently at their Ignite 2019 event. But seeing @pgreenbe & @ekolsky going gung-ho about the leader behind it, I'm sure there's a lot cooking from this stable.
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