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Jan 8th 2023
💎🤵🏻‍♂️ Expert Opinon: 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝑫𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 🤵🏻‍♂️💎


#processimprovement #automation #ai #data #AshlingPartners #UiPath #MachineLearning #digitaltransformation #rpa #rpadeveloper #rpadevelopers #uipathdeveloper #uipathcommunity #hyperautomation #navaifanatic
📢 Automation has helped humans progress by freeing them from manual and tedious tasks.
📢 Traditional approaches to business process automation have been expensive and require significant changes to infrastructure and processes.
📢 A new approach called emulation allows for automation to be more cost-effective and easier to implement.
📢 Emulation uses AI, user interface automation, API integration, workflow automation, orchestration, and low-code development to automate business processes.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
Quieres conseguir esto⁉️ #seolocal

Sigo 👇
Haz esto 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

En la sección de servicios, añade un servicio personalizado con las kws más buscadas para los servicios que ofreces

Sigo 👇
Puedes ir metiéndolas a mano 1 a 1 o automatizar la subida de kws a tus fichas con nuestro #RPA y ahorrarte MUUUCHO tiempo

Os dejo por aquí un ejemplo 🤑
Read 4 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
26 lutego @ZelenskyyUa i @DmytroKuleba ogłosili utworzenie Międzynarodowego Legionu, otwartego na ochotników z zagranicy. O tym jak wyglądał napływ zagranicznych bojowników na Ukrainę po 2014 r. i czego spodziewać się w tym względzie teraz – w wątku poniżej.

#THREAD 1/26
Międzynarodowy Legion organizacyjnie ma być włączony w skład Batalionów Obrony Terytorialnej Sił Zbrojnych Ukrainy, podległych @DefenceU. W jego szeregi będą wchodzić obcokrajowcy, którzy chcą przyjechać na #Ukraina i walczyć z #Rosja.

Decyzja otwiera szeroko okno dla drugiej fali napływu zagranicznych ochotników na #Ukraina. O ile w latach 2014-2019 (daty orientacyjne) mieliśmy do czynienia z napływem zagranicznych bojowników, w tym wypadku bardziej możemy jednak mówić o potencjalnych kontraktorach.

Read 26 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
#NoCode #buildinpublic

Many people think that free #OpenSource software is only for #Linux.

But I use a lot of #FOSS software on my @Microsoft #Windows desktop that I'd be lost without!

These are some of my faves!

25+ FOSS Tools to Improve Your Windows Experience 🧵 👇
7-Zip (@7zip)

Great archiver supporting


Unpacking only:
Audacity (@getaudacity)

If you need to perform some audio editing, Audacity is a huge help. I often use it when fixing audio for a video or converting a recording for use in a phone system menu.

Tons of features & useful tools!
Read 28 tweets
Aug 29th 2021
It's #RPA Sunday and I am going to Tweet along while I try to build a bot to solve a specific problem that I'm having with a client.

Thread 👇

#CPA #accounting #automation
Use case: I have a relatively new client with an OOC chart of accounts. The original P&L consisted of 218 accounts: 4 revenue, 129 COGS and 85 OPEX.
After some convincing, we were able to get COGS down to 6 accounts, but it took me about 3 hours to do YTD reclasses using the @QuickBooks "Reclassify" tool. That's what I am trying to avoid as we migrate the OPEX accounts to our template COA.
Read 24 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
Next steps how to increase #vc #investments and boost #innovations as they are one of major drivers for post pandemic recovery and transition for digital economy.
Check the thread 🧵 👇

#startups #ecommerce #startup #growth #fintech #ai #ml #rpa #edtech #biotech
#Tech sector provide opportunities into #early, #growth and #late stages companies for #vc #financial #investments and #allocations capital into #startups for sustainable investments

#fintech #innovation #ecommerce #startup #growth #ArtificialIntelligence
@dseinnovations #VC fund increase investments into #Fintech, #AI, #RPA, #Cleantech, #Agtech, #Edtech, #Marketplaces, #biotech and other #tech sectors

For #LP’s who are interested to join, please contact directly or email, DM @igorperep
#startup #innovation
Read 4 tweets
Jun 25th 2021
Have you ever wondered how we craft the @Gartner_inc market shares for Application Infrastructure and #Middleware?

Let me tell you...
@Gartner_inc Step 1. #Segmentation: in June/July we discuss if the segments we have reflect the way end users buy products. If not we do change the segmentation. or adjust it or refresh the naming
@Gartner_inc Step 2. #Vendors: Between August and October we consider which vendors to add or drop. We do take into account M&As, up-and-coming vendors, vendors that have changed focus. We ask our end-user focused colleagues (typically the authors of an MQ) for their input.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 11th 2021

To the best of my understanding @wnsholdings @Wipro #intelinet @TCS .. are on a downward spiral.

You can't have the cake & eat it too.

If #RPA, ML, .. are a reality, it can't be business as usual. Something must give in.

I expect BPO services to be a casualty.
Indeed, the traditional service providers like the ones listed above have been doing a marvellous job of kicking the can down the road.

Yet, @LTI_Global, @HappiestMinds are raising the bar like never before.

So, even longstanding relationships can hold fort so far & no further.
If traditional outsourcing companies continue to hold fort, it would be at their clients' expense.

No client would be okay being obliterated by competition.

So, they would be forced to up their game even if that means reining in vested interest groups & their own management. 🤣
Read 24 tweets
Dec 19th 2019
You'll soon hear a lot about Microsoft's Power Platform ... is it going to be used or not will depend heavily upon top leadership buy-in, as always.

This #lowcode platform is quite interesting. Rough right now, but it'll become useful in a year or two. #CIO needs to work w/ CXOs
Microsoft Power Apps, Power BI & Power Automate are not just a trifecta, they're a triumvirate.

I expect a Cambrian explosion of citizen apps in enterprises around mid 2020s, if Microsoft does its usual sales & product development tango.

But they need CXOs buy-in, not CIO alone
I had my hunch post the announcements recently at their Ignite 2019 event. But seeing @pgreenbe & @ekolsky going gung-ho about the leader behind it, I'm sure there's a lot cooking from this stable.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 25th 2019
1/ If there’s ever been a demonstration of the enterprise technology hype cycle in action, the #RPA market in ‘18-‘19 is it.
2/ Don’t get me wrong, there is clearly underlying business demand to quickly automate repetitive, heavy manual work in and across existing software.
3/ An order-to-cash process that involves 130 steps/variations across email, 90’s era, deeply custom SAP and mainframe software, spreadsheets, and a legacy web portal or two, glued together by humans OR by RPA is probably not the best way forward.
Read 19 tweets
Sep 26th 2019
We've evolved and here is a #thread of that journey!

Like every successful living species, to survive and get better, you have to evolve. & a company is not different. With the big tech eating into almost every industry it becomes paramount important that traditional businesses
have to think ground up with digital technologies at the core. And today, I'm here to announce that, as a business leader of your company, you don't have to do it alone - Heptagon is there to guide you through your entire digital transformation journey.
We've been creating digitally transformative solutions since 2009. We had an opportunity to work with the NYC government, BMW and we've also built platforms to distribute these solutions. These are our success stories but, we've had our fair share of failures
Read 11 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
Here are some of the themes being explored by me with an eminent panel on #RPA at #ETGBS this evening:
Their experience of #DigitalTransformation and POV on role of RPA in driving it.
1/7 #AutomationFirst
Imagine a future of bots augmenting humans, one per employee in a gigabot economy: what does it mean for your Enterprise?
Insurance especially health & life is an under-penetrated market in India. How can #RPA & #AI  accelerate business growth?

Read 8 tweets
Nov 9th 2018
Read 22 tweets
Jul 25th 2017
#RPA in BFSI at BNP Paribas Cardif ☑️ Contextor bots accelerate anti-laundering process from 20 min to 30 sec ►
#RPA in BFSI at American Express ☑️ Contextor bots accelerate onboarding of thousands of new merchants every year ►
#RPA in BFSI at HelloBank ☑️ Contextor bots speed up Customer onboarding process + KYC from 25 min to 5 min ►
Read 5 tweets

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