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Jan 6th 2022
#DelhiHighCourt is set to hear a plea seeking postponement of #UPSC #CivilServicesMains exmaninations in view of Covid-19 third wave. The exams are scheduled between January 7 to January 16.
Justive V Kameswar Rao to hear the matter shortly.
#DelhiHighCourt #UPSC #CivilServicesExams
Read 62 tweets
Sep 10th 2021
#DelhiHigh Court to hear plea seeking the quashing of notification for civil services examination, alleging that there are not enough seats reserved for people with visual and multiple disabilities.

Adv krishan Mahajan for petitioner submits that the centre was directed in the previous hearing to file a response for classifying vacancies as tentative vacancies.

Mahajan informs the bench that an affidavit has been filed of a gazzete notification of August 2021
Mahajan- IFS, IRS and others are exempt and its does not say it operates retrospectively. There was no exemption in 2020 at all. 520 vacancies have been exempted which is illegal and it should be counted to make the 4% reservation.
Read 6 tweets

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