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Oct 26th 2021
1/5 #CWTC21
⬆️🌡️in #winters are affecting many taxa worldwide, such as #bats. Hibernating🦇might be forced to arouse & find💧&🦟in the future. But, do bats fly out of the roost during❄️season now? When? How much? And where? Are #wetlands important during this period? Let's see👇 pic: Adrià López-Baucells
2/5 #CWTC21
To understand 🦇#behaviour during ❄️we used #batacoustics and weather information in #wetlands, #ricepaddies, 🌆 areas, & #saltmarshes from one of the biggest Deltas in Western Europe (Ebro Delta). @PDE @parcscat @govern @HumedalesDelta @ecologistescat @FBiodiversidad
3/5 #CWTC21
1- The most recorded #batspecies was #pipistrelluspygmaeus
2- 🦇were active during the 83% of our total recorded nights (469) mainly using #wetlands & 🌆areas
3- We found a threshold value that triggered #batarousals ->11ºC during❄️nights
@BatConIntl @_BCT_
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