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Apr 13th 2020
1-In #cosmogenesis #Taurus stands essentially for "objectivization" and "materialization."

It represents the second stage of differentiation.

At this level #Akasha is created from the Primordial Essence--Mool #Prakriti

#kundli #karaka #dasa #aspects
2-#Akasha is the subtlest unit of matter of which every form of creation is made of.

It is also that into which every form of #creation ultimately dissolves.

Further intensification of this Akasha #Tattwa makes different degrees of dense matter

#jyotish #astrology
3-At the #Akashic level the virginal sensation inducing multi- dimensional ripples in the ocean of #Mool Padartha takes place.

This is the beginning of manifest #consciousness- is the initial #Naada from which all other forms of creative sound vibrations take place.
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