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Most recents (2)

Jul 29th 2020
Just connected to court for the #CovidSEND judicial review case [It's very echoey, legal teams are in court, a number of people attending remotely through Skype]

Background thread here

I believe those in court are listed in attachment.
@polly_sweeney of @scottmoncrief, @SteveBroach of @39publiclaw and @AliceLIrving for claimants Amber and @1985Deanne Shaw and anonymous claimant ABC thru XYZ

@sarahhannett and Nathan Roberts of @matrixchambers and Mark Davies of @6PumpCourt for defendant SOS for @educationgovuk
As far as possible I will tweet word for word what is said, if not possible due to speed I'll paraphrase. I'll offer no analytical commentary, I'm simply trying to facilitate #OpenJustice thru live tweeting to a wider audience #CovidSEND
Read 629 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
I'll be live tweeting #CovidSEND judicial review for the next two days from the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division Administrative Court sitting in front of The Hon Mr Justice Kerr.

Case is brought by @1985Deanne and Amber Shaw (pictured) and an anonymous claimant

Claimants challenge SOS @educationgovuk @GavinWilliamson's decision to modify legal duty under S42 Children and Families Act 2014 #CovidSEND

This places a duty on local authorities to secure provision to meet special educational needs and health needs as set out in an EHCP

EHCP = Education, Health and Care Plan.

According @educationgovuk 354k children and young people had an EHCP in 2019…

Thousands of families affected by the SOS decision to replace the duty with requirements to use 'reasonable endeavours' #CovidSEND

Read 26 tweets

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