Background thread here
I believe those in court are listed in attachment.

@sarahhannett and Nathan Roberts of @matrixchambers and Mark Davies of @6PumpCourt for defendant SOS for @educationgovuk
SB: My Lord I act for the claimaint's families, I'm assisted by Ms Irving.
[@SteveBroach introduces who is in court]
SB: The authorities bundle is filed... I think that is all my housekeeping
Second aspect of claim is... [sorry can't hear]
No anonymity is sought for the first claimant, an anonymity order is in place for the second
[cut out]
SB: @DisRightsUK have a statement in the bundle; also statement from other organisations
preliminary issues
law (briefly)
grounds of review in skeleton
[my paraphrase; very hard to hear, drops in and out]
Judgement from para 1 of claim whether SOS could refuse child's...
We submit Para 55 is a very helpful summary of the principles, can I invite your Lordship to read Para 55 #CovidSEND
We say this is not a hypothetical or academic
Mr HJ: It's midnight on Friday it comes in [hard to hear]
For your Lordship's note my learned friend quotes a case Kenzie [?] where suggestion is...
We do not make any such concession, we say examples given are merely examples. #CovidSEND
[dropped out... might be that Mr JK is reading]
Mr JK: sufficiently ??? landscape in September and October
SB: We submit the landscape will be the same
Importantly we'd like disclosure of the evidence base for this decision
It's not a delay in relation to discretion, my learned friend says its about whether the court should [dropped out]
SH: It's in 15... [discussion about paperwork]
On 29/5 SOS indicated he would be issuing a second notice
SOS responded same evening clear would be no concession so Ms Sweeney began to prepare the claim
As of 8/6 the defendant was telling the claimant to issue was premature.
SB: A neutral factor on delay, what matters is where there's good reason and I've not given 3 of my 4 couldn't have been done any faster
Mr JK: Did you win?
I'm sure other families would feel same (para 11)
I can not see why any parent would want to challenge LA about support obviously impossible for them to provide (para 9)
Parents understand where it's impossible (para 13)
SB takes Mr JK to statements
Her case is result of downgrading of duty, not just function of the pandemic.
Second statement, para 3-5 specifically distinguish between pandemic and system failures in her view linked to downgrading of duty
SB: Yes, her strong view as an informed parent, as she says she works in #NHS and sees impact of the pandemic. The effect of the decisions is that the family have been abandoned without the necessary support #CovidSEND
SB: There's no reported cases about reasonable endeavours, no reference on social media that we've seen
Mr JK: [Can't hear]
SB: It's evidence officials had when the decision was made
SB: What we see my Lord, C800, the North West 9 summary and it says 2xJR both relating to reasonable endeavours - that's the only evidence we've been able to identify and we know very little about what happened in those cases #CovidSEND
Cites @LGOmbudsman evidence, the apex of the complaints system…
SB: We've sought to cross reference; perhaps we could assist his Lordship with a version of the skeleton that has the cross references
Updated on 10/6, no significant changes as we understand #CovidSEND
That is born out in Ms Wright's statement @sos_sen we see next
SB: She's a practising solicitor... we've never been asked to provide this information to the @educationgovuk
Para 6 summaries who @sos_sen are and how they operate
Could I invite your Lordship to read her examples, impact of the decisions
Some specific examples given from particular areas
para 24 she's easily aware, despite best efforts of @sos_sen and other organisations, we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg
[Can't hear]
SB: Yes, its clearly a preliminary submission... its a note to the whole team at @educationgovuk purpose is to update on notices proposing to make as result of #Covid19
We're told priority is those who have direct right of individuals... all children related legislation
Mr JK: not just special needs
SB: no, all legislation. We're told timing will depend on complexity of amendments to be made
Changes aim to help LA deploy their resources more flexibly, while still ensuring they provide appropriate level of service to children and young ppl
SB: That is not an accurate summary, if @educationgovuk had explored properly and actually spoken to sector, they'd have known by reducing duties they'd have reduced provision further, they'd have known... that gets to the essence of the dispute
These receive funding from LA to be voice of parents in their area... national representative of local forums...
SB reads: we've already had conversations with these stakeholders....
Mr JK: in the end you say he's relying on an impact assessment...
Minister is invited to note changes will temporarily disadvantage children and young people with SEN and other protected characteristics
Mr JK: and [can't hear]
SB: yes and the action is to provide guidance in relation to handling
In para 29 we say, under financial implications, the rationale for these changes is to free up LA and health bodies to free up their resources...
SB: Nothing we say to promote the interests of children with SEND were driving force for these changes
We say pandemic plus your modifications
We say it's striking no equivalent analysis was conducted for the changes to S42
[I think; sound keeps dropping out]
SB: Then we get to para 19, what's relevant, the issuing of this application and modification
We have communications again... interest around two sections, the second of which is ours... in order to control the narrative....
[Discussion hard to hear, I think about DH risk assessment, but children's social care sits in education]
Mr JK: you could say [can't hear]
SB: Yes it seems to be in contrast to the overall thrust of the position... we say the department wouldn't have known the actual impact
SB: My understanding was this was attached to the submission.... what the minister himself knew is highly relevant...
SH: That wasn't placed before the Minister, it was the precursor drawn upon to create the ministerial submission
SB: I'll proceed on basis that those documents were not in front of the Minister, if I'm wrong we'll return to them
SH: I've had confirmation that's the definitive position
Para 2.1
Mr JK checks timing/documents being referred to
Discussion about certain year groups returning to school; children with EHC plans always considered vulnerable
[connection dropped out again]
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SB: In our submission no, we don't challenge any breach of that duty
SB: Para 4 summarises chronology to date, paragraph 5 process of determining whether test is met
Mr JK: Can I just get ?? This is 23/6
SB: Yes My Lord
Mr JK: it's after half term [??]
[Really hard/impossible to hear the judge]
I'll not keep tweeting that there's no connection, that will be as irritating for you as it is for me; will tweet when reconnects]
Mr JK: its non statutory?
We say that entirely understates the impact
SB: I believe it's a long standing commitment to give consideration to the Rights of the Child, it's not directly related to our issue or the pandemic
SB: Fact notice extended across whole month, that's why...
Then we have Annex B which is new of course
Legal team for claimants @polly_sweeney @SteveBroach @AliceLIrving
Legal team for SOS @educationgovuk is @SarahHannett Nathan Roberts and Mark Davies
Connection intermittent; tweets as often and as accurately as possible
Mr JK: Is any of this new?
SB: Only in my submission that second paragraph, I don't think it new in its entirety but I dont think we've seen that wording
What isnt considered here in any detail is whether there should be an all practicable steps duty, which we saw brief consideration of earlier
You'll note under heading, its conversion [draft] 23/6, we don't have a final version.
As of 1/5 the laws change in a few ways... we regard this is a renegade [?] action two months after change
So some broad consideration in very broad terms
[2nd example] Again nothing to do with these
SB: Exactly; we take it, we may be wrong
Mr JK: So 17 is generic, 18 gets straight to
SB: We read Annex C being extracts of CRIA specific to this situation
[Missed it]
SB: If we go back to the Annex, Article 6 right to life, understandably focus is on protecting children from the spread of #Covid19 no objection to that
We do acknowledge the changes may have impact on children's ability to express their views... we think that's the right balance but no explanation as to why
It says the changes are temporary, proportionate response... that's not in fact a response to the question which is what have you changed.... that, in our submission, begs the question
We say the guidance has clearly been of limited affect... there's nothing there in relation to why decision making itself was to protect children's rights
Reference to discussion in March and April with stakeholders, paragraph 9 monitoring we don't any allege breach of duty in that regard
Mr JK: Just tell me the changes
Bodies that can request assessment, what it is, various other specific provisions we don't need to trouble ourselves with
The plan is defined as being an Education, Health and Care plan

Mr JK: Ah yes, an absolute duty...
SB: That power was there and we say there was no consideration of that power until the July notice
Then we look at the notices themselves… one of the overarching points we make is how similar the notices are
SB reads
SB: that's first time reference is made to detriment to children and young people; secondly that no way accurately or adequately reflects the detriment

SB: We're particularly concerned with amendments to SEND guidance
SB reads…

Mr JK: [can't here]
SB: Yes of course my Lord

That takes me onto the grounds; the first ground is the failure to consult
We say the test is whether its conspicuously unfair for the defendant not to consult
SB: there are 4 statements about where a duty to consult should be followed [paraphrase], where it's...
SB: this is very different but we do say its relevant, in ordinary times the defendant would consult, we say is it conspicuously unfair not to have consulted in this situation
SB: The specific is about elevating substantiative unfairness to a distinct legal test... that doesn't have any impact on ordinary process of judicial review... the procedural fairness is well understood.
Discussion of case law
[missed Mr JK's comments and discussion]
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SB: It was accepted would have direct impact on provision... [cuts out]
SB: SEND advisors in LAs contacted by telephone; these conversations took part with advisors, ?? / ?? were compiled in a spreadsheet; your Lordship has the summary of these conversations
The only engagement with my clients side was with the Council for Disabled Children in relation to the guidance, not in relation to the notifications
Draft findings are exhibited, if you look at 15, 115 primary and 135 secondary pupils, so sample size of 250, this is a general survey not targeted in any way. We see no question asked about the relevant [drops out]
Mr JK: [cant hear]
SB: That's right, that's what the defendant is relying on in terms of data before the officials at time July notice is made
Quotes their survey results, ran most of June, over 1000 completed responses…
We don't say there's anything magic in this, we say it's striking a voluntary organisation can find that information in relation to a thousand parents, while @educationgovuk relied on a sample size a quarter of that
Mr JK: Was it all parents or SEN parents?
SB: As I understand it all of those parents would be SEN parents, it was a targeted survey of @SpcialNdsJungle community
para 21 in relation to impact of changes on autistic children and young people, para 23 refers to unpublished survey conducted in June with responses from 1,075 parents of autistic children and young people
Two organisations able to survey 1000 parents during this period, we say it highlights deficiency in SOS @educationgovuk approach
I'll quickly take my Lordship to C143, this is the Ministerial submission, paragraph 12 we understand LA already threatened with judicial review
We'd understood legal action clearly was a concern, that's clear throughout the evidence, it may be suffice that I give his lordship some references
If I could just go then to [dropped out]
Mr JK: It was an absolute right to have and parents aren't getting it, it wouldn't be a surprise that legal challenges might follow
The defendant says 'whatever position historically it's inevitable there would be new challenge, so it's not relevant' [paraphrase]
[dropped out]
SB reads from email [can't hear it]
Two of the people ADCS are reflecting to the department are calling for the whole system to cease or stop
Mr JK: Am I correct that SEN children were entitled to attend throughout, they didn't have to be children of key workers?
Mr JK: So if you had a child with a plan you could take them to school [I think, hard to hear]
SB: Subject to the guidance and risk assessment
SB: It depends on what the key worker role was... I'm not in a position to assist your Lordship on my feet
We rely on XX case saying what is relevant for minister to know, was enough to enable him to make an informed judgement
< Lists other evidence available >
The ministerial submission does not summarise in any way the level of the impact of these changes
Mr JK: Is it a real person?
SH: Yes, I can assure you it's a real person.
SH confirms spelling of author
She made point the threshold for irrationality is very high but not insuperable
Mr JK: On the one day was parliament sitting?
SB: I believe so, we'll check that
Mr JK: how many days would suffice?
We put it the other way around, they offer no evidence for why they left it at one day [I think - hard to hear]
We say a day was irrational
We say it's simply irrational in the purest sense
SB: It's extremely difficult, no one is suggesting otherwise but we do know there were 4.5 weeks between making the decision in principle and making changes, so we suggest there was time
There's no evidence before the court for the floodgate issue - nothing to say this decision making process has any impact on other decision making [?]
There's a RT there, the actual content is Mr Best's tweet
< takes to email exchange >
Well that is simply wrong.
In judgement of Supreme Court...
paragraph 26 power to make legislation, in case of amendments... altho Henry VIII powers are cast in very wide terms
Mr JK: no I've not got it
SB: Altho Henry VIII powers cast in general terms...
[can't hear]
[sorry not really getting this bit/sound and my weary brain]
SB: They needed advice, clearly, we say they simply didn't know they had the power... by the time July meeting
Mr JK: [can't hear]
That's the first error, they didn't consider it at all for May and June notices
We say the fact they wrongly thought was set in stone was an error; if your Lordship looks at proportionality reasons... B1345 paragraph D modification was proportionate for following reasons
Discussion about whether to continue.
@SarahHannett has no objection to that: If we are sitting at 10, I'd like to start my submissions at 10:30. I'm sure @SteveBroach would like the right to reply tomorrow as well
SB reads
Well before issue of July notice
Mr JK: Could you tell me what is happening here?
Discussion about difficulty to follow due to redaction
SH: We have various redaction policies about third parties, I can't tell you why Ms Lenehan is not redacted but I'm sure there's some reason for it.
Mr JK: It cld be someone from a LA?
SB: It could be but as far as we're aware there isn't anyone there, it looks like a meeting between @educationgovuk and voluntary sector.
We were told there was no written record as to why Section 19 duty was not modified [education otherwise than in school - I think, connection dropped]
We say it doesn't begin to grapple with the reality of the evidence base; wholesale failure to negate impact on children and young people with ECHPs
For all those reasons we say the reasoning was purely irrational
Mr JK: For those attending remotely thank you for your attendance an patience, we'll return again tomorrow at 10:15
Court is adjourned #CovidSEND
> the statement from @SpcialNdsJungle was from @TaniaLT
> the tweet from a solicitor was from @jabetts123 not Mr Best
[Apologies for errors and gaps. Have a nice evening and see everyone tomorrow]
@polly_sweeney of @scottmoncrief, @SteveBroach of
@39publiclaw and @AliceLIrving for claimants Amber and
@1985Deanne Shaw + anon claimant ABC thru XYZ
@sarahhannett, Nathan Roberts @matrixchambers, Mark Davies @6PumpCourt for defendant SOS @educationgovuk

Para 10, directly relevant to next ground... pressure from opposition in parliamentary questions and @childrenscomm
[drops out]

I'm grateful m'Lord unless I can assist further
1) claims that academic
2) factual background and chronology
3) the grounds in the order Mr SB dealt with them
...he notes policy point that if courts do entertain academic pursuits there would be a waste of valuable court time
SH: This was a decision by Mr Justice Lewis on 6/7/20, very recent case, a challenge to the coronavirus regulations and system of lockdown they introduced
Mr JK: [can't hear]
All counsel discuss [can't hear]
SB: It's a very curious feature
By time court was looking regulation was no longer in force.. therefore was academic
Mr JK: Why was it academic?
SH: It wasn't academic my Lord...
SH: The decision to refuse to admit him was squashed by Mr Justice Turner, this was the SOS appeal against that decision... it wasn't academic in any sense of the word, it was very live
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: Even if you're against me and see it fit to look at the notices, it must be right that the May and June notices are purely academic
SH: I accept that but its an important point you are being asked to rule on legality....
Mr JK:... [can't hear]
SH: I accept that
Mr JK:... [can't hear]
SH: that's a matter for you
Mr JK checks where are in skeleton
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: I accept that but I've done cases where that has happened
SH: In this claim there have been a series of notices lasting three months... I accept my Lords point but the practical reality is that the claim has been heard
SH: I am saying it's too late... m'Lord that is also a function of the fact the notices were in place for a short period of time
Mr JK: Exactly, yes
Mr JK: Was that because they weren't working or something else?
Further example West Midlands 2, assessment traditionally done in good timescales now grinding to a halt [I think]
Mr JK: Is this facts or a decision?
SH: This is guidance issued by @NHSEngland
Mr JK: So it's a decision of what to sacrifice?
SH: Yes, it's decision on what to prioritise
Mr JK [can't hear]
SH: Was risk assessment about whether better for children to remain home
Mr JK: 3.9% doesn't tell us where [can't hear]
SH: I'll come back to that. It does show a very small number of children with EHCPs were in school
Purpose of letter to take stock, say what plans are...
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: Penultimate paragraph, 284, she recognises impact on this group particularly acute so asked Council for Disabled Children and @contactfamilies to maintain updated [??]
Mr JK: this was before the telephone calls?
SH: yes... [can't hear]
Another meeting with CDC
Mr JK: This is a meeting?
SH: One of meetings that took place between CDC and DfE on 30/3
Mr JK: this is just confirmation of what we've said [?]
SH: The quote was from subsequent page, 280 and over, that's a meeting that took place on 31/3, the day after
So somebody told the Minister that 'quote' and there is a quote, reference to page SL2 but I don't know what that is
SH: It may help to have bundle with page numbers inserted [I think]
Further meeting with SEND stakeholders on 17/4 not minuted
Through period correspondence with @ChildrensComm
SH: Yes I put it no higher than that they were sent the draft guidance for comment, they were not invited for comment on the decision [paraphrase]
Further correspondence with @childrenscomm and that decision was sent up.
The next decision is on 23/6 where sent up for July notice
[Dropped out]
Mr JK: this is new?
Mr JK: Mr Broach says [can't hear]
42% [?] offered place but chosen to keep them at home
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: I appreciate its not hard edged but its not the case there is no provision.
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: No my Lord its a sector term [coproduction] it means working together in effect
SH: yes m'Lord that's correct... that section of the guidance is a consideration of things when applying duty [paraphrase] and examples of alternative arrangements that might be made
Mr JK: [can't hear]... May notice that's about to begin
SH: Yes that's right
Making clear there are certain obligations that carry on
Mr JK: can't hear
[Connection keeps dropping out - sorry, very partial here]
Mr JK: Day after tomorrow the notice expires but the regulations remain
SH: That's right.
SH: Yes M'Lord, they're separate, not entirely separate
SH: yes in theory from Monday but most schools are closed so in reality will be from September
SH: They aren't points that particularly arise other than what's in my skeleton argument; they're points to bear in mind when one is looking at the submissions that follow
SH: Affect of pandemic, particular impact on children and young people, third temporary and under review; first three lead to overarching fourth.
Mr JK: It's not for me to rewrite Mr ...
SH: I accept that... I dont think either @stevebroach or myself are inviting you take a different take Lord XX
[can't hear]
SH: I think it's just a different way of putting the point... whether you look at urgency....
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: Indeed, perhaps it's two sides of the same coin, in any event it is relevant whichever way one comes at it
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: yes, by the time he reaches that he's already decided the common law duty to consult [I think]
in particular my Lord, fourth point on our list Parliament recently granted power to amend S42 and didn't include requirement for consultation
SH: If a power is conferred
Mr JK: it's a different statute
SH: It is, but if power is conferred on SOS but no requirement for consultation, powerful reason why common law duty...
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: Addressing that point, of course surveys were carried out by organisations but that can't be equated by carrying out a formal consultation exercise
SH: Unless I can make any further points on duty those are my submissions in that respect
SH: discussion followed on level of detail needs to be in place for a decision maker to ensure all relevant details taken into account
Mr JK: [can't hear]
Mr JK: so in the end it didn't matter that the Minister didn't have the information?
SH: Yes, that may be fact sensitive. Was it irrational, no.... [can't hear]
SH: Christian Concern, 19/5 very recent course...
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: Not a judgement handed down then... it is a covid case about abortion procedures... whether both pills be taken at home, that's the context
I invite my Lord to read it
First point... failure to make enquiries on risk of litigation
SH: My learned friend suggests a surprising admission in second sentence, to clarify what is meant, the risk of litigation was not a reason given in any of the notices but was a consideration of the Minister
SH: ....yes, it is inevitable if those can't be met on the ground. The evidence before the SOS at time, was if LAs couldn't meet duties that inevitable leads to risk of litigation
By time July notice is decided, notice in place for 6wks, as to what reasonable enquiries could be made at that stage, is necessarily limited
Differential approach of LAs also drawn to Minister's attention
Mr JK: [can't hear]
Mr JK: [can't hear]
Court adjourned, we return at 13:50
@SarahHannett of @matrixchambers addressing The Hon Mr Justice Kerr (on behalf of SOS @educationgovuk)
Full parties and representatives as attached

[cut out]
Sorry, may I just correct that, it's only in respect of negative
Mr JK: [can't hear]
Mr JK: Not at all, I've not looked at this for many years
SH: There's parliamentary convention that statutes should be laid 21 days in advance... if not complied with explanatory memorandum must explain why hasn't been 21 days in this case
SH: My Lord I'd have to take instructions but my understanding is there are a large number of coronavirus legislation where 21 days were not complied with
SH: Assuming negative XXX procedure, is backstop... the 40 days is up
Mr JK: Correct my Lord
[cut out, sorry]
Mr JK: All the SOS has to do is consider... [cut out]
SH: Yes my Lord you can see in relief the claimant is seeking, started off as being mandatory order requiring SOS to lay...
[connection dropped]
SH: No, my Lord. I appreciate I have arguments made on merits of point too, but the Article 9 point is of some importance to my submission
All this is a precursor and it's fascinating and saves me having to search old cases but...
SH: It does go on
Mr JK: [can't hear]
Mr JK: I think I've got your point really, you're saying if the Courts can't say whether to lay legislation then they can't say when [I think - hard to hear]
Mr JK: Sorry
SH: No, because the court is entitled to look at procedural matters of primary legislation; has Parliament complied with procedure of legislation
SH: My Lord, the reality is, this is a consequential argument, if SOS sought to make secondary legislation without laying it through Parliament...
Mr JK: [can't hear]
Mr JK: S I'm clear, 69 sets out your reasoning for submitting that the timing of laying this instrument is a proceeding and therefore.... [can't hear]
SH: Yes
SH: Apologies if the skeleton is not sufficiently clear; it deals with it in the general sense, makes point at para 67 thru to 70 that in general timing is not justiciable.
Mr JK: If timing is justiciable there will always be.... [can't hear]
Mr JK: Thank you very much. Just for public record, there's an exception in Statutory Instruments Act where [can't hear] am I right [cant hear]
SH: It would still need to be laid
SH: Yes, I don't see that that affects the analysis
Mr JK: Probably best not to complicate things
SH: No, we're not going to rely on that
Mr JK: [can't hear]
SH: Indeed.
SH: I could say that yes
Mr JK: Do you have a view?
SH: Umm, can I ask for instructions on the WhatsApp group we have please
SH: I accept if you're with me on the second point the first point does fall away but I expect the answer is its a matter for my Lord
I pick up our skeleton argument at 88, I do accept it would be exceptional course for it to be considered..
You can see helpfully the questions from DfE @educationgovuk on left and answers next to it
SH: 867, you see top paragraph request capture intelligence from @NHSEngland regional SEND leads about returning to business as usual. You can see they say that's a problem.
Then question asked why and various reasons given
SH: This is the nurse lead reporting back to @educationgovuk on whether NHS SEND Leads were ready to return to business as usual
You'll see in response to update on redeployment... moving in right direction...
Mr JK: Report feedback from call that that evidence... [can't hear, reading from email I think]
SH: The point is a short one... on the ground those responsible for delivering SEND in the NHS were broadly saying some difficulties here
Confirmed in email to my instructing solicitor on XXX
SB: Duty to provide education other than at school
SH: My Lord that's my point, that we decided not to modify S19 but did S42, different statutory duties, different evidential basis on needs of sector m'Lord
Mr JK: Was it the budget cut case?
I also said uncertainly when 40 day period expired, I was right it was 20/6
SH: We're more than happy to do that my Lord, I would want to be very clear I don't consider this to be a complete set of examples, I dont know if there may be very many more
Firstly in terms of notices, we say My Lordship should look at them as a whole, because they're similar. We say its not academic or hypothetical, or if it is it should still be heard due to exceptional public interest
Whether practice decisions is citable... [cant hear]
SB: Clarity was necessary... it was never the claim that children not in school was solely due to changes, that would be absurd...
SB: it was assumption they could safely downgrade the law we say is wholly unsafe...
On grounds B, whether defendant made sufficient inquiry in relation to whether threat of litigation was real, impact on welfare on children
SH: Its a @educationgovuk document, I dont have an objection to my Lord looking at it
Mr JK: That's Director of the National Children's Bureau
SB: She's the Director of the Council for Disabled Children situated under the umbrella of NCB
We say it can't be right... there is a requirement at least for the bare bones to be put to the minister to make an informed decision.
Mr JK: [Can't hear]
SB: I make no comment
Mr JK: I hope it wasn't me?
SB: I checked my Lord and it wasn't
My learned friend made points about width of discretion, we say not... not all provision made, we say is no way rational to downgrade all duties
Mr JK: [can't hear]
Am sure @polly_sweeney @SteveBroach and @AliceLIrving will keep us updated on the #CovidSEND hashtag in due course.