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🦠🦠🦠⬆️ 48,553🤢

Looking at cases by swab date today (middle photo) compared to yesterday (RH photo) we can see that a small number of cases are still being added to 6-7-21 and several thousand to 12-7-21

⚰️⚰️ 60-day deaths (69) 28 day deaths (63)
⬆️ 80% on same day last wk
Deaths in a 7 day rolling avg ⬆️ nearly 48%

ENGLAND positivity ⬆️ to 8.1% on 10-7-21.

South Tyneside has a scary 22% positivity and that level suggests insufficient testing.

And the Wembley ⚽️ finals is not in that mix as that is positivity as of 10-7-21. Semi finals maybe.
🏥 admissions, in hospital and ventilation beds continue to rise, especially when looking at individual nation data which indicate that

ADMISSIONS c800 (last seen early March)

🛌 IN hospital nearly at 4K (c3945)Last seen end March as with

Ventilator 🛌 at c550
Read 5 tweets
🦠🦠🦠 32,548 new cases ⬆️ 42% on a rolling 7 day average

In fact, looking at cases by swab date we can see we already breached 30k cases in a day on Monday.

⚰️ 28 day deaths (33) ⬆️ 42.5% on a rolling 7 day average

Noticeable increases now.
🏥 headline figures understate the present reality due to data lag

The 386 admitted headline is below England admissions which were 416 on Monday
Likely another 60 on top looking at the other 3 nations 475.

🛏 IN hospital is likely close to 2.6k

Ventilator 🛌 likely 420
💉 vaccination about 239k doses. So it continues to decline over delivery a month or so ago.

Whether the issue is supply of Pfizer/ Moderna or uptake hesitancy or both I do not know, but unhelpful when we are seeing such reckless reopening planning by the Government.
Read 7 tweets
Starting a thread for the fully vaccinated who get infected.

We might have a small sense of how frequently it is occurring -currently when we still have restrictions, but cases rising rapidly.

Also because #CovidJavid has announced no isolation for the fully vaccinated contacts
Please add to this and circulate and promote so I can link into the main thread.

Thank you!
Read 18 tweets
Referring to his dead wife’s cancer and chemotherapy and the millions of people with compromised immunity @Peston rightly points out that the prime minister’s freedom day is day of sheer dread for far too many people.

Jackass Johnson and #CovidJavid have shown their true colours
Not just those WITH the compromised immune systems but their families who must look on with dread and outrage.

What about all those journalists who have been treated for cancer/stroke?

The families of the over 80s with poorly responding immune systems.

See @GuptaR_lab here
SURELY journalists such as @bbcnickrobinson @billtu @vicderbyshire will rise up as one and speak out on behalf of those who are being treated for cancer and other disorders that leave immune systems compromised - yet who do not have their platform or voice to speak for themselves
Read 11 tweets

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