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Feb 21st 2023
When I talked to @BrendaCrabtreeR a few days ago about #mpox she told me the story of a patient she helped to treat in Mexico City in June: a man in his 30s who did not know that he was also living with HIV.…
@BrendaCrabtreeR The young man’s immune system was so weak it could not keep the monkeypox virus in check. He had painful necrotizing lesions spreading across his skin and the virus had spread to his lungs too. “He just kept getting worse and worse and worse,” @BrendaCrabtreeR told me.
@BrendaCrabtreeR No vaccine or treatments are available in Mexico. Desperate, the doctors transferred blood plasma from a colleague that had been vaccinated in the US to the patient hoping the antibodies might help fight the virus. But they could not save the patient. He died a few weeks later.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
Ivermectin still does not work when dosed up to 6 days at doses off 400-600 mcg/kg/day for #covid19

Read the manuscript.

We're presenting virologic data tomorrow at #CROI from Covid-OUT trial on metformin, IVM, & fluvoxamine. One is very interesting.…
Editorial by the JAMA Editor in Chief which summarizes the situation.…
Let's talk about time of enrollment which reflects real world reality of people seeking testing and then seeking care. With the trial there is an inherent delay to consent, enroll, and ship drug. 44% of participants started within 4 days of symptom onset.
Read 7 tweets

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