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Aug 21st 2020
Why is Steve Bernal under ⁦@FBIWFO⁩ investigation?

In part because he carried on the corrupt policies of Mike KANALAKIS (a corrupt sheriff) and his sidekick Mike RICHARDS who both signed letters submitted to Judge Kay Kingsley - they #DaveDrew was rehabilitated.

BUT ...

When the @MCoSheriff is having meetings as the #DaveDrew owned Growers Pub on Monterey Street, in #Salinas - you have a major fucking crime problem in #Monterey County.

And @RepJimmyPanetta is involved.

Dave Drew was able to buy the paper on the Fox Theater in Salinas

after Daniel McGilloway and Jimmy Gilbert picked up the deeds from a federal bankruptcy trustee. (@MontereyPolice covered it up)

This doesn’t just happen by accident.

(The bankruptcy was the end result of a massive Ponzi scam knows as the Cedar Funding Fraud Case)
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