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Oct 12th 2021
Are you ready for more big malaria news? @PMIgov 2021 Strategy centers localization. Its principles include country ownership, #equity, & local leadership. 3 of its 5 focus areas incl community & local initiatives. Read on I want to share this rare gem example of impact.
Many of you saw this tweet that expressed a frustration that many researchers feel when funding is primarily provided to Global North-based institutions to “help” implement an LMIC-based program. 🧵re: a story of our collective #decolonizegh advocacy

Hundreds of you amplified the above tweet which was shared the same day that @rajpanjabi was appointed @PMIgov Global Coordinator. As the founder of @lastmilehealth we told him that we expected better and appealed to Him to improve PMI’s approach to empowering local leadership.
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