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Feb 13th 2020
You’ve seen our Twitter year in review, complete with “brawta,” but a question remains that’s even more relevant now, with Valentine’s Day love in the air – what were our top tweets for 2019? Which ones got your attention more and to which did you show the most love? #BOJSpeaks🧵
2. Ladies and gentlemen, kings and queens, presenting....our top 10 tweets for 2019....*Drumroll* Are you ready for it? (Stats up to 31 December 2019.)
3. With 28,809 views and nearly 3,000 engagements, coming in at number start our top 10...very timely... is none other than our 2019 Valentine’s Day post on how economists do Valentine’s Day. Please enjoy it all over again! #EconTwitter #FinanceTwitterJA
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