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Apr 15th 2023
Buckle up for a thread about #PoetryBooks, #bookshops, #booksellers, poetry presses, & how they find each other. Like many poetry lovers, I'm disappointed by the lack of range of poetry books stocked in most bookshops I go in. We all know that shelf - one shelf, mostly faber.
For years I assumed 1 of 2 things: booksellers didn't read poetry, and/or booksellers adhered to the old maxim the poetry doesn't sell. Ofc, it won't sell if you don't have it on the shelves, so that's a self-fulfilling prophecy. #PoetryBooks #Bookshops #Bookselling #Poetry
For Background: I live with a bookseller and reviewer. I'm not a bookseller but I've done event bookselling. The bookseller reads a lot of poetry and the already decent poetry shelves of @SReadBooks have flourished in the 10 yrs he's worked there. #PoetryBooks #Bookselling
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