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Mar 9th 2021
A school contacted me asking me to provide trauma informed trainings to their educators. I reviewed the content I planned to discuss, much of which also addresses racism and disparities in education. They indicated they were "not interested in racism stuff." #traumainforned 1/
My answer: then you are not looking to become more trauma informed. You CANNOT address trauma in schools without addressing the trauma caused by systemic, structural, and individual racism. Do not ask me to teach you something you aren't ready to learn. Absolutely not 2/
As long as Black & Latino students are expelled at 3x the rate of white students for the same behaviors, I will address racism in education. As long as Black & Latino students are not recognized for their excellence, I will address racism. Needless to say, I wasn't hired 🤷🏾‍♀️ 3/
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