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Aug 1st 2021
With only nine or so vaquitas left in Mexican waters with little control on deadly nets set for a black-market fish, silence is replacing this tiny porpoise's vocalizations. Extinction looms. But the next 6 weeks can make a real difference. Read. Share:… 1/
Last week I was poised to write game over - that the conservation community should conserve resources for other efforts. I'd kept track via my @nytimes #dotearth blog for years, as numbers plunged from a couple hundred to a handful. China, particularly, seemed immovable. 2/
But in an interview last week, longtime vaquita scientist Barbara Taylor of @NOAAFisheries laid out four compelling reasons why a last-chance porpoise protection push is justified. The remaining handful of vaquitas are wary, fat and healthy, and not genetically bottlenecked. 3/
Read 10 tweets
Feb 18th 2021
There's a logic fail in my old friend @billmckibben's effort to derail @DKeithClimate's plan to loft a balloon in Sweden. Arguing even this tiny step toward assessing #SRM must wait until '30 misses how long it takes to do anything related to climate.…
Every facet of the global climate challenge is super tough and requires years (generations even) of effort. Today's photovoltaic, LED, and battery successes did not arise from Musk-style entrepreneurship. They started with grinding basic study, like lofting a first balloon. 2/
And I'm no #SRM fan. I see no prospect this tech will used at scale in my or Bill's lifetimes (there's no plausible "lone actor" scenario & governments will never agree on full-scale deployment). But I do see merit in understanding what's possible.… 3/
Read 7 tweets
Sep 7th 2019
With Earth experiencing hyper-fast change in human footprints, heat-trapping CO2, species mobility, energy & information tech, what the hell do you work on to boost confidence in sustainable progress? (Add deep complexity + @deepuncertainty)

Boost & spread key *capacities*. 1/3
In 2013, I proposed this shorthand for capacities to boost and spread in pursuit of #SDGs or your preferred definition of enduring human progress on a thriving planet:

Bend, stretch, reach, teach, reveal, reflect, rejoice, repeat. #DotEarth context:… 2/3
I explored this "bend, stretch, reach, teach..." menu in a @TEDx talk in Portland: 3/3

It's evolved since then. I have added the word "respect"... Wonder why..

Watch, read, react (with respect).
Read 3 tweets

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