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Jan 2nd 2021
Sir, with ref to your very much needed sensitive response, in ordinariness of #ordinarypeople & with commonsense of
#commonman, may we submit as follows:
1.Instead of experimenting with #3FarmActs for 1-2 yrs, why not keep those in abeyance for 2yrs?
2. Ask #40AssnsofFarmers>>
>> to submit their #ProposedDraft keeping following in view:
a. #Reforms inter-alia shifting from existing agriculture pattern in #Punjab #Haryana etc to...
b."Cost + theory" & feasibility of #MSP for all crops
c. Is uniform #FarmActs possible for all #States
3.Likewise #GOI >>
>>needs to appreciate that instead of "experimenting" for
1-2 yrs which if results in #irreversible & #irrevocable DAMAGES will be creating more
#TrustDeficit, it will be better to keeping #3FarmActs in #Abeyance to hv #LevelPlayingField to make needful decisions cordially!>>
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