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Dec 3rd 2021
Show me one patriot who was not backstabbed by Nehru.
Take any name, there will be Nehru to meddle in affairs..

On the Jayanti of our 1st and only President to be appointed twice to Rashtrapati Bhavan, presenting the readers, snippets of the history which is
hidden from public.

Jawaharlal Nehru, first Prime Minister of India, was against Rajendra Prasad's appointment as the first President of India. He lied to VallabhBhai in order to prevent him from taking presidential post.

Nehru was opposed to declare Dr. Prasad as President,
as Rajendra Prasad was HINDU & not the Polished Western version of human being.
Yes, you read it right.
Nehru preferred C Rajagopalachari the last viceroy of Bharat instead because he suited for his ideals.
Prasad had support of Sardar Patel, so Nehru did an unpardonable thing.
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