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Apr 26th 2019
1. Security lapses happen. As President Maithripala Sirisena told heads of media today, the US was unable to prevent the 9/11. Another thing that comes to mind is the Boston marathon bomb. I can list out a number of similar lapses. #EasterSundayAttacksSL
2. But the more striking point is that his continuous refusal to be assertive and take charge, his insistence that he wasn't informed. Prime minister also states that he wasn't informed too. #EasterSundayAttacksSL
3. If we assume this is true, perhaps it is true given that the members of the NSC refused to meet him, does that mean the security establishment doesn't trust either of them. Not a good look guys. #EasterSundayAttacksSL
Read 9 tweets
Jan 19th 2019
This is big:

100kg of explosives,
20L of Nitrate Acid (used to make bombs)
2 Firearms + Bullets
Computer, camera & a stock of dry rations

The main suspect of Mawanella incident has CONDUCTED LECTURES on extremist ideologies here.… #lka
Police are still looking for the main suspects.

According to neighbors, the suspects were removed from local religious organizations due to their extremist ideology.

Also, a house search led to more weapons.

Seems this is way deeper than we think.

Kabir Hashim's secretary was shot by a religious extremist group over his cooperation with police on this investigation.… #lka
Read 43 tweets

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